Friday, August 29, 2008

So grown up

So I hopped on the computer this morning to get a little homework in and there was a document left open. It was an assignment for Abbys English class. It was a little letter to the teacher about each student, a getting to know you type of assignment. I thought it was very interesting what Abby had to say about herself. She really is quite grown up!
9911S. Electra Lane
Sandy, Utah 84094
August 26, 2008

Dear Mrs. Hales,

My name is Abby McCallister; I would like to tell you some things about myself. My favorite hobby is dance; I have been dancing since I was three years old. I have one mom and one dad. I also have one little sister and one little brother, my little brother passed away when I was only six years old. I have a lot of friends, all of them are funny and kind, something funny about me is that I tell very funny jokes, or at least my little sister thinks so.

This summer I went to Henderson, Nevada. My Grandma and Grandpa live there. While my sister and I where there, their where about two flash floods! We went shopping a couple of times, I love to shop! We stayed in Henderson for about two weeks; we had a fabulous time while we were there. If you have not been to Henderson, Nevada you should go their, it is a beautiful place and it has an excellent ampha-theator!

I went to Alta View Elementary school. My class in sixth grade was a fifth/ sixth split. I liked that I had the same teacher for both fifth and sixth grade; I was in a split class both years. I did not like all of the drama in sixth grade. In my sixth grade year I had a teacher named Mrs. Foltz, she was the best!

This year, I am looking forward to all of the new students that I will meet, who are just as scared and excited as I am. I can’t wait to decorate my locker! My locker is not hard to open at all, can you believe that? I am so excited to meet all of the different teachers; I hope that all of the teachers are willing to give all of their attention to the students so that it is easier for the students to learn! I am also happy about the extra lunch choices!

In the next ten years I would like to get straight A’s! I would absolutely love to complete high school. I want to write at least three excellent poems and get them published so that other people can enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them! Another one of my goals is to become as good as or even better than my dad at playing the electric guitar. Now you know about; me, some of my hobbies, my family, my goals, and my most recent summer.

Abigail McCallister

Language Arts, second period

1 comment:

The Payton's Place said...

Oh wow, that makes me cry. Seriously. I'm crying. Can't believe how grown up she is. Makes my heart sad and so happy at the same time. She is growing up to be quite the beautiful young woman, inside and out.
-Always, Aunt Erin!!!