Thursday, August 21, 2008

Junior High

It's official, I am the mother of a junior high student. WOW, how did this happen so fast. Life seems to speed by and memories of all the cute baby and toddler things fade far to fast. It was a little like deja'vo last night while Abby was terrified of this new adventure and crying. I tried my best to give the strong, positive pep talk while inside I wanted to sob. Boy, this is way harder than Kindergarten. Today was just a little orientation day, I was one of only a few moms that stayed the whole time but I think it was better that way. Abby said she would have got lost if I was not there. So her first class is Beginning Theater and we walk in and the teacher asks if my name is Amber. Well, we went to junior high together (we would have gone to high school together also but for those of you who know me I skipped that adventure in my life) So that was weird and then Abbys counselor taught band at my junior high. OK, small world, kind of creepy! The day went well, although she is still struggling with opening her locker. I am so proud of her and know she will be a complete success!


Amber Jessica said...

Aw, she'll do fine ... and I think everyone has a hard time with locker combinations at first. :)

The Payton's Place said...

Totally will be a success! I can't believe it, seems like just the other day you came over with a video of the "bean". Wow, time flys. And sure is making me feel old...which i'm not, so I'm sad I feel that way! She seemed ok yesterday, though I know inside she was dying! I told her I was the same way and not to worry too much, everyone is just as nervous as she is. Can't believe my little Abby is growing up so big!! I'm so glad you are going through all this first so you can give me pointers when I'm crying like a baby on my baby's first day of Jr. High!