Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Little girl all grown up

Last Thursday was the end of a countdown for Abby and quite an exciting day. She got her pointe shoes! For any of you reading this who are not dancers this is like a comming of age! You are finally a real ballerina! After taking lessons for a little over 8 years, she is ready! She had a little countdown in her locker, it was cute to watch her be so excited. Of course I was dying to go expierance the fitting and buying (well, maybe not the buying part) when I found out it would be on a Thursday...YIKES! That is the day I work. Well a very sweet co-worker took the end of my shift so I could meet Abby and Cody at the store. Cody was so proud and excited for Abby. He is such a great dad to these girls, gushing over all the princess and ballerina stuff! We lucked out and since Abby has a pretty narrow foot she only had to try 3 pairs on, the second were a perfect fit. They are the Russian Pointe and in the mid price level! Yea me! Here are some pics of the fitting and of the first class which was Monday. Christie (her teacher) taught them all about breaking thier shoes in ( thats the pic of Abby looking shocked) and tying them, etc. It is so bittersweet to watch your baby grow up, 12 years ago seems like yesterday.


Allison said...

That is a great face! I know I am feeling so old (and kinda missing pointe too). Well, the B&B was so fun and so nice It was Castle Creek Inn on Creek Road in sandy. I think the web page is . I loved it, I think it was just nice to get away. (the bath was so worth it though)

1 out of 4 said...

You go GIRL! We are so proud of you 'little miss'!

We love you!
Aunt C

borchertfam said...

Congrats Abby! That is so awesome, I remember getting mine, It was such a great day. You're now a "real" ballerina!!!

The Payton's Place said...

Makes me teary. Seriously. Ugh, what happened to her being small enough to fit in her squirrel costume!?