Monday, August 11, 2008

Shout out to Cody!!

I am so proud of Cody right now that I had to share. After Zachs accident he found it deifficult(to say the least) to continue his career as an electrician. He has been out of work for a bit now and made a difficult decision to go back to dong electrical work. We spent the last week buying tools and books so he would feel prepared. I know this causes much anxiety and I just wanted to give a shout out and say I am proud of you. It takes a lot of courage to walk through those kinds of emotions and it just shows how much you love you family. You rock!


Niki said...

that is freakin' awesome!! Way to go.

borchertfam said...

Yeah!!! For electricians. I love them. Congrats Cody.

The Payton's Place said...

So happy! Congrats Cody. Keep it up!

...also Amber, how do you get the "my friends" thing on your blog??? I can't for the live of me figure it out.