Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Update on kicking butts

So I noticed Stacie commented about letting Trent bring his gun home when Addie got to be this age. Funny, Cody just bought a new gun! LoL. However, I must say I am completly anti-gun! I won't even touch one. He is trying to bring me around to the idea, but no luck. He is so cute with the girls about the gun thing. Teaching them all about it and making it so not scary or intriuging for them. Babe, I so appreciate that!!!! I really doubt I will ever overcome my fear and loathing of the gun. So for all you gun owners, keep them away from me. I will just kick butt the old fasioned way. Thank goodness these tween fights only last a few days. We are back in shady acres here in the McCallister home. Of course that might be because the kids are currently sleeping!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was the same way with guns, but now it's not so scary. So I'm glad to hear Cody is teaching them not to be fearful of them. As you know Bert is a big gun/hunting man, so it's just something I have had to learn to live with. Which is fine with me. Will be fun for him and our kids to do....eventually.