Friday, April 25, 2008

Me sew??? Are you crazy?

So last week, I was feeling the crunch of the end of the semester. I had a huge, half way through nursing test scheduled for Wednedsay and three finals the next week. Abby walks in the door and hands me a pattern for a beautiful dress for her Shakespeare play. Are you joking I ask her? She says no this is what her teacher wants her to wear. While I try to be number one mom i find a few problems with this plan. One, no time. Two, no machine (I would have to borrow my moms) Three, the amount of money for the material. And forth and most importantly, I CAN NOT SEW!!! While, obviously somewhere in my genetics there is some sewing ability (check out my sisters blog , corie and fam) it skipped me. I firmly believe sewing takes a lot patience, something I try to possess, but fail most of the time. So I called my creative wonderful sister (who uped and moved to Texas on me) and said I know you will be honest should I even try to tackle this. After looking up the pattern online she said it would probably not be a good idea and if I could not find some help to ship her the pattern and with all her spare time she would help. Well, since she has four very busy young children and a fabric business I felt this might be quite an imposition. I happened to take it into Abbys dance studio that night and Barbara gently said you do not have time for this. The resulting lender costume from Ms. Kathy at the studio is pictured below. Thanks Utah Dance. And thanks sis for offering. To anyone who is reading this please do not ask me to sew it really gives me quite a panic attack. By the way, I passed the HESI and am on to finals next week! yea!


Unknown said...

way too cute of a costume. and yes, I was wondering if you fell of the planet. Good to see you have not...

Amber Kelly said...

Oh, I totally could have whipped out that dress for you in no time flat. In fact, if I started it at Christmas time last year, it would have have been done in...say... 2 months from now :0)

The sewing gene has unfortunately skipped my generation as well and I am thouroughly embarrased to say that I have a mother that used to make wedding gowns for a living.

Not to tute our own horn or anything but I highly doubt that the seamstress relatives of our's would be Straight A-nursing students :0)

Niki said...

Wow. That costume is amazing.. I would never dare take on a task like that either. Not talented in that area.. my Mom, my Grandma are.. my aunt is a professional sewer. Yeah.. I think one day my kids will be happy I can just sew on a button.